Saturday, May 15, 2010

Mozilla ThunderBird Error "The folder inbox is full"

The whole error message is: "The folder inbox is full, and can't hold any more messages. To make room for more messages, delete any old or unwanted mail and compact the folder".

Follow this steps :

1 - Create a folder called TEMP (can be any name)

2 - Move all messages from Inbox to TEMP

3 - Exit Thunderbird

4 - Go to the LOCAL DIRECTORY folder and erase the 2 files : INBOX and INBOX.MSF

5 - Open thunderbird again

6 - Move ALL MESSAGES from TEMP to Inbox

7 - Erase TEMP folder

8 - DONE


  1. thanks soo much!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This works!!

  2. Where is the 'local directories' folder in Win 8?

  3. No need to create the temp folder just Archive all the mails from inbox and delete the mails from inbox and move the archived mails to inbox!!!!
